President - David Myers
Vice President - Tanya Roe
Secretary -
Treasurer - Norma LaFave
Uniform - Cassandra Johnson
Fundraising - Angela Myers & Samantha Fountain
Spirit Wear - Crystal Mata
Web/Calendar - Erin Francis
The name of this organization shall be the Swartz Creek Band Boosters, a non-profit organization.
The objectives of the Swartz Creek Band Boosters are:
Section 1: To promote high standards in instrumental music education in Swartz Creek Community Schools.
Section 2: To give moral, financial, and physical support to the band program in Swartz Creek Community Schools.
Section 3: To promote the “Fine Art of Music” by offering scholarships and other activities.
Section 4: To cooperate with Swartz Creek Community Schools administrators and staff and other organizations to achieve these objectives.
Section 1: Membership is open to all residents and employees of Swartz Creek Community Schools who are interested in the band program within the school system.
Section 1: The elected officers of this organization shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Public Relations Officer.
Section 2: Officers shall hold office until their successors are elected. In the event of a vacancy in any office of this organization, the Executive Board shall be empowered to appoint a
successor for the remainder of the term.
Section 3: Any officer, who misses three or more membership meetings in succession without notification, may be considered as vacating the position, and Section 2 shall apply.
This constitution, amending the October 24, 2000 document, was presented on April 27, 2010 to the general membership. It was adopted on May 25, 2010.
Section 1: The Executive Board shall be composed of the elected officers of the Swartz Creek Band Boosters, the immediate Past President of the organization, and the instrumental music teachers on the staff of the Swartz Creek Community Schools.
Section 2: The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of this organization.
Section 3: The Executive Board shall prepare a budget for the year to be presented to the general membership at the fall meeting for approval.
Section 4: The Executive Board shall meet at least twice a year, first immediately following the election to organize, and then prior to the September membership meeting to set the budget.
Additional meetings may be called by the President or Secretary, as needed.
Section 5: A majority of the voting members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the Executive Board.
Section 1: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Swartz Creek Band Boosters, appoint all committees and committee chairs, and shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
Section 2: The Vice President shall assume all the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
Section 3: The Secretary shall keep all the records and minutes of all meetings, and attend to the correspondence, and keep copies of the same.
Section 4: The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements, showing each activity separately as well as a complete record of all funds.
Section 5: The Treasurer shall receive all funds due the organization, deposit same in the organization’s accounts, and pay out the same.
Section 6: The Public Relations Officer shall attend to all advertising, correspondence to the press, and all other matters of publicity as they may arise from time to time, including announcement of
all general membership meetings. The Public Relations Officer and the Secretary shall work together to utilize the school Website, newsletters, email and other forms of correspondence to
communicate Band Booster activities.
Section 7: The immediate Past President shall serve as an ad hoc voting member and adviser to the Executive Board.
Section 8: The instrumental music teachers shall serve as non-voting members of and advisers to the Executive Board.
Section 1: The Swartz Creek Band Boosters shall have monthly meetings commencing in August and continuing throughout the year. The Executive Board budget planning meeting shall be in June, and approval of the proposed budget shall be voted on at the September meeting; the nomination of officers shall occur at the April meeting, election and installation of Board officers shall be at the May meeting. Meetings shall be held on the last Tuesday of each month unless otherwise designated by the Executive Board.
Section 2: The September meeting will include a year-end financial report from the previous fiscal year being defined as July 1-June 30.
Section 3: The President may call special meetings with at least a one-week notice being given to the general membership.
Section 1: There shall be no dues requirement for membership in the Swartz Creek Band Boosters.
Section 1: A majority of the Executive Board and one director or a designated representative must be present to constitute a quorum at any general membership or Executive Board meeting.
Section 1: A nominating committee shall be appointed, by the President, from the membership at large at the March meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor at the April and May meetings, after the reports of the nominating committee.
Section 2: Officers are to be elected at the May meeting. The President and the Secretary shall be elected for a two year term beginning at the May meeting in the odd years. The Vice
President, Treasurer, and Public Relations Officer shall each be elected for a two year term beginning at the May meeting in the even years.
Section 3: A majority vote of the members present and voting shall constitute a quorum for an election.
Section 1: The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern this organization in all cases in which they do not conflict with the Constitution or By-Lays of this organization.
Section 1: The Constitution and the By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at any general membership meeting. The amendments must have been presented at a preceding meeting of the organization.
Section 1: In the event that the Swartz Creek Band Booster organization is dissolved, all remaining funds in all accounts, after all outstanding obligations are paid, shall be disbursed to the Swartz Creek Community Schools and distributed equally among the Middle School and High School instrumental music budget accounts. The instrumental music teachers and the school administration shall resolve any disputes resulting from such dissolution.
Section 1: From time to time Swartz Creek Band Boosters shall use various Fund Raisers. Fund Raising shall be proposed and adopted by a majority vote at any general membership meeting.
Section 2: As a general provision, Band Booster Fund Raising profits shall be directed to the General Fund. Upon proposal and adoption by the general membership meeting, a dedicated portion of
raised funds may be directed to a designated “Family Account”.
Section 3: The creation of said “Family Account” is a way to reward Students who participate in Fund Raising activities. By definition a “Family Account” is meant to serve all the members of a
family within the Swartz Creek band program. Funds within a “Family Account” designation may be used to offset the expense or payment in whole of a band related event or expenditures.
Requests for these payments must be forwarded to the Band Booster Treasurer with proper documentation. These funds, at no time, belong to the student and or student’s family.
Section 4: As has been the practice of Band Boosters, unused “Family Account” funds are reverted to the general fund upon the exit of the student’s family from the band program for a period greater
than one semester and one day.
These By-Laws, amending the November 27, 2001 document, were presented to the general membership on April 27, 2010. It was adopted on May 25, 2010.